I want to cancel my housing contract…
You can book office hours with RHA’s Chief Advocacy Officer (CAO) to discuss your appeal submission. The CAO is the only student member on the Housing Appeals Board and can offer suggestions for your appeal prior to you submitting. Schedule a meeting here.
Fill out the Form:
For requests to cancel, please go to your housing portal and log in with your CalNetID. Locate the “Online Forms” link in the top left, and select the “Cancellation Form.” Follow the prompts there to select the current term and submit the cancellation request form to the Cal Housing office.
Please consider meeting with us before submitting your form, we will review it against the rubric of the appeals board to give you the best chance at cancellation based on your circumstances.
The Appeals Rubric:
The Appeals Board is designed to formally and confidentially review appeals from students who were not approved for contract cancellation. The Appeals Board is the final decision-maker on such requests.
RHA serves as the student representation on the Appeals Board. While we only carry one vote, we are able to help residents navigate the rubric of the appeals process. Please schedule a meeting with us before submitting your cancellation form or appeal with rhaadvocate@berkeley.edu.
How it works:
You will first submit your request through the housing portal. Cancellation is contingent on an eligible replacement accepting your housing contract.
Should the waitlist be exhausted, your request will be denied and you will need to begin the appeals process if you are experiencing financial hardship, circumstances related to your health and well-being, or contractual obligations. Appeals for roommate problems, dietary needs, and obtained alternate housing will not be considered.
Your appeal should begin with a cover letter explaining why you are requesting cancellation and emphasize unforeseen circumstances that have occurred to lead to this cancellation. Cover letters should explain the documents uploaded within the appeal form and the background on why they are necessary.
If you require a cancellation in your housing contract resulting from medical need, please include a doctor’s note within your appeal. Your doctor’s note should confirm what you have described in your cover letter and include confirmation that your condition requires a cancellation in residence hall housing.
If you are canceling because of unforeseen financial circumstances, you should include as many detailed documents as possible that explain your situation in depth. Appeals based on finances frequently get deferred to the financial aid office, so including these documents will increase the chances of getting approved.
Appeals Process
Other Residential Resources
The ASUC Student Advocate’s Office (SAO) 642.6912
Center for Student Conduct 643.9069
Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination 643.7985
Ombudsperson for Students 642.5754
University Health Services (main line) 642.2000
Advice Nurse (University Health) 643.7197
Alta Bates Hospital (Emergency) 204.1303
Counseling and Psychological Services 642.9494
WarnMe (automated information) 1.800.705.9998*
BearWALK Escort (Dusk to 3 a.m.)
Call 15 minutes before you need the escort. 642.WALK (2-9255)*
Door-to-Door Shuttle (3 to 5:30 a.m.) 642.9255*
Bears That Care (bystander intervention) 541.9530
Campus Police Non-Emergency 642.6760*
Basic Needs Center